Part II
Governmental Powers

12. Limiting Powers: EU Fundamental Rights  

Extra Materials

Useful videos


Council of Europe:

EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)


History: EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

European Parliament:

Get the picture: Fundamental Rights

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA):

EU Fundamental Rights Agency in one minute

Jus Unitn:

The uncertain boundaries of the ECJ jurisdiction on fundamental rights

University of London International Programmes:

Lecture 6 Part 1: EU Treaties and ECHR


Lecture 6 Part 3: Foundational values

Lecture 6 Part 6: EU Convention on Human Rights

Lecture 6 Part 7: Rights Contained in the European Convention

Lecture 6 Part 8: Rights Contained with the European Convention

Yale University:

The application of EU Fundamental Rights: Perspectives on the European Court of Justice

Useful websites



Council of Europe: Accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights

European Commission: EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

European Commission: Fundamental rights

Verfassungsblog: Union meets Convention: How to move on with accession after CJEU Opinion 2/13