Political News
EU Institutions and Bodies
- European Parliament
- European Council
- Council of the European Union
- European Commission
- Court of Justice of the European Union
- European Central Bank
- European Court of Auditors
- Committee of the Regions
- European Data Protection Supervisor
- European Economic and Social Committee
- European External Action Service
- European Investment Bank
- European Ombudsman
- European Personnel Selection Office
EU News websites
- The Chattering Classes: European capitals sour on Costa and Kallas; Austria’s shadow chancellor?
- Germany’s coalition deal inches closer
- The Brief – Europe is for ‘Her’, as Trump’s America goes back in time
- Half of Poles believe viruses are lab-made for population control, says Eurobarometer
- US tariffs present dual threat for EU economy, health economists warn on pharma impact
Academic Resources
EU Law Journals
- Common Market Law Review
- Journal of Common Market Studies
- Collective Memory and the Stalling of European Integration: Generational Dynamics and the Crisis of European Leadership
- Failing Forward in European Economic Governance: The Cyclicality of European Integration and Institutional Competition in the COVID‐19 Crisis
- Border Regions as Nuclei of European Integration? Evidence From Germany
- The EU Commission During the Covid‐19 Crisis: Attempts at Self‐Empowerment, or Not?
- Do They Matter? The Perceived Impact of European Administrative Networks
EU Law Academic Blogs
Most recent decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union
Podcasts on EU Law
- Cambridge University: Cambridge Law: Public Lectures from the Faculty of Law
- Cambridge University: CELS Lunchtime Lecture Series
- HEC Paris: European Law by Alberto Alemanno
- Lund University: The EU – an Introduction
- University of Michigan: Conversations on Europe at U-M