Part II
Governmental Powers

9. Executive Powers: Competence and Procedures  

Further Reading


C. F. Bergström, Comitology: Delegation of Powers in the European Union and the Committee System (Oxford University Press, 2005)

C. F. Bergström and D. Ritleng, Rulemaking by the European Commission: The New System for Delegation of Powers (Oxford University Press, 2016)

P. Craig, EU Administrative Law (Oxford University Press, 2012)

D. Curtin, Executive Power of the European Union: Law, Practices, and the Living Constitution (Oxford University Press, 2009)

T. von Danwitz, Europäisches Verwaltungsrecht (Springer, 2008)

H. Hofmann, G. Rowe and A. Türk, Administrative Law and Policy of the European Union (Oxford University Press, 2011)

J. Schwarze, European Administrative Law (Sweet & Maxwell, 2006)

E. Tayschinsky and W. Weiss (eds), The Legislative Choice Between Delegated and Implementing Acts in EU Law (Elgar, 2018)


Articles (and Chapters)

D. Adamski, ‘The ESMA Doctrine: A Constitutional Revolution and the Economics of Delegation’ (2014) 39 EL Rev. 812

J. Bast, ‘New Categories of Acts after the Lisbon Reform: Dynamics of Parliamentarisation in EU Law’ (2012) 49 CML Rev 885

M. Chamon, ‘Institutional Balance and Community Method in the Implementation of EUE Legislation following the Lisbon Treaty’ (2016) 53 CML Rev. 1501

P. Craig, ‘Delegated Acts, Implementing Acts and the New Comitology Regulation’ (2011) 36 EL Rev 671

V. Georgiev, ‘Too Much Executive Power? Delegated Law-making and Comitology in Perspective (2013) 20 Journal of European Public Policy 535

S. Griller and A. Orator, ‘Everything under Control? The “Way Forward” for European Agencies in the Footsteps of the Meroni Doctrine’ (2010) 35 EL Rev 3

D. Ritleng, ‘The Reserved Domain of the Legisalture: The Notion of “Essential Elements of an Area”‘ in C. F. Bergström and D. Ritleng, Rulemaking by the European Commission: The New System for Delegation of Powers (Oxford University Press, 2016), 133

R. Schütze, ‘From Rome to Lisbon: “Executive Federalism” in the (New) European Union’ (2010) 47 CML Rev 1385

R. Schütze, ‘“Delegated” Legislation in the (New) European Union: A Constitutional Analysis’ (2011) 74 MLR 661